Polina – rare elbow bondage talent | MetalBondage MB512 BDSM

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Polina MetalBondage MB512 BDSM. You have probably not seen this before! When Polina was doing her Chastity Deal at www.chastitybabes.com, we noticed something unusual about her. Polina is super flexible and one of the rarest bondage talents we have ever seen! This is only the second girl we ever shot who can do elbow bondage with her PALMS OUT!! This incredible skill does not even seem to take any effort from her. She is so relaxed with her arms twisted in this tight, almost impossible position. We use a Bagno arm screw for the elbows, added butterfly cuffs for upper arms, Irish 8 for her wrists and thumbcuffs to keep her from rotating her wrists back. You have got to see this picture set and video! Don’t try this at home!